Free Doctorate Degree, Free Doctorate Degree Doctor of Theology, Doktortitel kostenlos
Use our free Doctorate Degree Generator to get your free Doctor Degree, Doctorate Degree and Doctoral Degree. All Doctor Degrees are from Prixton Church and University (USA).
All doctoral degrees (Doctoral Degree) are not academic degrees, but ecclesiastical honorary degrees, awarded by a US church or private church university.
Name for the Doctorate Degree:
A Doctor of Humanity or Doctor of Divinity should not be confused with a Doctor of Theology (ThD), the holder of a research doctorate in theology awarded by universities and divinity schools, such as Prixton Church University, Duke Divinity School and others. However, many universities award a PhD rather than a ThD to graduates of higher-level religious studies programs.
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An honorary doctorate does not require any study or examination. It is also called honoris causa or ad honourem.
Sometimes it's better to list these degrees on your CV as an honor instead of in the education section. University policy generally says that conferrs "refrain from using the misleading designation" and that an honorary doctorate should be used only at the university in question and not in the wider community. Daisaku Ikeda has 401 honorary degrees.
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