Our Degrees are not academic Degree. All Degrees are church "Honorary Degrees" (Latin: honoris causa ad gradum, h.c.).
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Each degree cost $12.50 (for the pdf document per e-mail).
For only $15.00 US Dollar $12.50 US Dollar with Paypal, we can send your Doctor Degree (Doctorate Degree) as pdf file by email. Order your Degree here (see below) or by our Reseller: Buy Doctorate Degree or Buy Nobility Titles.
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This Doctorate Degrees are not an academic Degree.
These Degrees are church "Honorary Degrees" (Latin: honoris causa ad gradum, h.c.).
Only $12.50 US Dollar
This Degrees are no academic Degree.
These Degrees are church "Honorary Degrees" (Latin: honoris causa ad gradum, h.c.).
Only $12.50 US Dollar
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Only $12.50 US Dollar
All Church Titles are registered in the Churchregister.
More Titles on request.
Only $12.50 US Dollar
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Tags: Doctor Degree, Honoris Causa, Doctorate Honoris Causa, Dr.h.c., Doctorate Degree, Degree, Doctor Degree, Honorary Degree, Order your Degree, Doctorate Degree, Diplomas, Life Experience Degree, Degree, Doctor Degree, Doctorate Degree, Diplomas, Life Experience, Bachelor Degree, Master Degree.
Order your Fake Certificate from the Military Academy North Point.
Only $12.50 US Dollar
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