Occultism (from Latin occultus "hidden", "hidden" or "secret") is a religion in which various practices are practiced. Occult also stands for esoteric, paranormal, mystical or supernatural. The main area of the religion of occultism is the contact to the deceased or the conjuring up of spirits in the hereafter, comparable to Christian prayers, which invoke invisible - higher - non-existent beings.

Occultism: Belief in Spirits and Spirit Summons

Occultism is thousands of years old, but was suppressed by the persecution of the Catholic Church - the largest sect in the world - and only became well known in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

The religion of the occult

There is actually no difference between occultism and religion. Both religions believe in invisible higher beings, perform strange rites and call higher beings (evocation of the spirit in occultism, prayer in Christianity). In Christianity they are invisible gods and in occultism the dead or the ghost.

Afterlife contacts by conjuring up spirits in occultism

Glass back

The most well-known form of afterlife contacts by conjuring up spirits in occultism is the glass back (formerly the back of the table). Almost everyone encounters the back of glasses in adolescence. Using an inverted drinking glass and a circle of letters, contact is made with spirits - the souls of the dead.

The participants of the séance (conjuring up spirits) sit in a circle around a table, in the middle of which is the glass with the circle of letters. Everyone puts a finger on the glass. Then questions are asked. The answers are composed of the letters to which the glass moves in order.


Similar to the glass back, the pendulum also has the letter circle, yes and no field and the numbers 0 to 9. Instead of a glass as a pointer, a pendulum is used. The advantage of the pendulum is that you can also use it alone. The pendulum can either be bought or simply made yourself, e.g. a ring on a string.

Ouija Board

The Oui-ja-Board, also called Hesenbrett, is a word syllable game with a pointer instead of a drinking glass. The syllable Oui comes from the French and means yes, that stands for the German yes. Board comes from the English and stands for board. The Oui-ja board is usually made of wood or plastic. On it, often arranged in a heart shape, are the numbers 1 to 10, the complete alphabet as well as a YES and a NO field. A "pointer" is a heart-like, about 10 centimeter large board or plastic pointer. Underneath are rolls or a felt for free movement. If one or more participants put a finger on this "pointer", it rarely takes a few minutes for something to happen, the pointer moves to a letter, then to the next and gradually you get a message.

The Ouija board was launched as a game by the American businessman William Fuld in 1899. It sold wildly during the First World War - many families wanted to get in touch with their fallen sons. In 1966, Parker Brothers, a game manufacturer from Massachusetts, acquired the rights and still sells them today.


As early as 1852, the English physiologist William Benjamin Carpenter (1813-1885) recognized that behind the glass back or pendulum there is only the human unconscious. Carpenter found that the very idea that we were going to move led to an unconscious but measurable reaction of the muscles. The effect was named after Carpenter: The Carpenter effect or also called ideomotor law (ideomotor, after William James). The passenger has similar experiences in a car that automatically brakes with his feet in hot situations. Comparable to video secretory (e.g. salivation in the mere imagination of eating).

Glass backing is a group dynamic process in which the minor forces that act on the glass combine to form a relatively strong overall force. This force pushes the glass without the participants being aware of their unconscious action. But since the total force always tends in a direction in which none of the fingers point, the feeling arises that the glass moves by itself. On top of that, nobody can keep their fingers absolutely still and with time the arms become heavy, the acting forces become stronger and stronger. Then only psychomotirical automatisms are missing, so that a meaningful message arises from the salad of letters, even this is not "paranormal". They are independent movements, without which we could not think and run at the same time, could not speak and drive a car at the same time.

It would be different if the glass moved on its own, i.e. if nobody touched the glass.

It becomes problematic when you have to ask the pendulum about every little thing. Because then the phenomenon can generalize, which means you no longer need a glass or pendulum, but can hear the voices directly. Some of those affected then begin to see ghosts and even feel touched and harassed by ghosts. The game has developed into a mediumistic psychosis. ∎

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