With regression therapy, also hypnotic regression, a test person experiences an earlier age or an earlier life under hypnosis.

Fantasies about past lives under hypnosis

The procedure for the analysis of trauma, behavioral disorders etc. should not be disputed here, but rather it is all about regression hypnosis (return) to alleged past lives.

The course of such a hypnosis session is as follows. The test subject should first remember his childhood, then the time as an infant and then his own birth. Then continue back. "You let yourself drift, we go back until you see a clear picture in front of you". The hypnotist can describe this picture.

Repatriation: Hypnosis fantasies from past lives

Not only in the case of hypnosis repatriations in the case of alien abduction, the repatriations into past lives are pure fantasy of the test subject, as we will show later.


The danger of hypnosis is "cryptomnesia" (from Greek crypto, which stands for secret and Mneme = memory). Cryptomnesia describes the information that is stored by the subconscious without being aware of it, i.e. you never forget anything that you once perceived (even unconsciously). Such information often comes to light under hypnosis. It can be content that you have unconsciously recorded from magazines, books, lectures, television or radio programs.

An example: The English poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) writes in his "Biographia Literaria" the case of a kitchen maid that could hypnotize long passages in Latin, Greek and Hebrew. It was later discovered that a few years earlier she was employed by an ancient philosopher who occasionally recited such sentences. The girl in the kitchen had heard the sentences without wanting to and not realizing them.

Another example of kyptomnesia is Helen Keller. She was born blind and dumb in the middle of the 19th century. In 1892 she wrote her book "The Frost King". It was published and praised until a few months later it was found to be a slightly modified version of Margaret Canby's "The Frost Fairies", which was released 29 years ago. Ms. Keller was convinced that she had never heard of this story. A friend who had read her from Canby's works in 1888 - including The Frost Fairies - came forward. Helen Keller seemed depressed: "All joy left my heart. I had brought shame on myself ... How could that happen? I racked my brains what I had read about Frost before I wrote my story, but I could I don't remember anything at all."

At the turn of the century, the Swiss medium Hélène Smith made a name for itself. It was studied by Theodore Flournoy, professor of psychology at Geneva University. He published his most important results in his book "from India to the Planet Mars". Flournoy says that he was convinced that Hélène Smith had been Marie-Antoinette of France in her previous life. A lifetime earlier, she was the wife of the Hindu prince Sivrouka Nayaka in the 15th century. Smith's memories of India were embellished with descriptions of ceremonies and palaces. She claimed that Flournoy and her husband were there too. Flournoy could later prove that her India memories came from a story by de Marles that appeared in 1923. She also had contact with Martians, one of whom was called Astane. During this phase, Hélène filled a small album with exotic drawings of Martian landscapes, houses, people and plants - all with a bit of childish imagination and with a slightly oriental touch. She spoke and wrote the supposed Mars language fluently. Flournoy found that this Mars language was a cleverly changed French and the grammar was an allusion to Hélène's mother tongue. She had invented the vocabulary.

A second hypnosis session brings clarity

In 1956, Dr. Edwin S. Zolik of the American University of Marquette to find out whether hypnosis repatriations are just nonsense. His subject, student Jamie O'Toole, was gradually moved back to his third birthday in the first hypnosis session. Then he said, "Now go back in time before you were Jamie O'Toole and tell who you were and what you did." After a moment, Jamie reports that he was born Brian O'Malley in 1850. He lived in Cork and was an officer in the Irish Ward Regiment. He was not married but had a girlfriend, "actually many different, but not at the same time ... exceptionally pretty girls, French and Irish women". He died in a riding accident at the age of 42. A few days later, Jamie was hypnotized a second time. Before that, he was asked who Brian O'Malley was. He did not know. Only as Dr. Zolik asked him if he might have heard the story from his parents, Jamie said: "Yes, yes ... exactly, my grandfather - from my grandfather ... not Brian. His name is Timothy O'Malley .... Timothy O'Malley was an English soldier ... yes, I remember now, he and my grandfather were at war together. O'Malley was Irish. Grandfather and he was fighting each other. O'Malley was killed - he came in a riding accident for life ... yes, grandfather fought and moved him ... I think it was O'Malley's fault that grandfather was driven out of Ireland ... grandfather hated him." After the session continued, Zolik asked if his grandfather also mentioned O'Malley's friends. "He thought O'Malley was a crook." It later turned out that Jamie heard the story as a young boy on his grandfather's farm. Zolik recommended that asking about the sessions be used as a safeguard against the rebirth reports. However, many of his colleagues did not accept this advice. Among them, the English hypnotherapist Arnall Bloxham - He taped over 400 reincarnation reports and didn't even ask ...

The American psychologist Martin Orne had various students he hypnotized report about their sixth birthday and compared the sometimes very lively descriptions to the memories of parents and siblings. The result was overwhelming. The students tended to fantasize during hypnosis. For example, someone who had only mastered the German language as a child experienced his sixth birthday speaking English. When the psychologist pointed this out to him during the hypnosis, the "six-year-old" switched over and spoke German - the German of a small child!

A 19-year-old student reported eight incarnations - starting in ancient Babylon, in Nanking, China, England, Norway, Paris, again in England and in old Russia. As an Englishwoman in the 13th century, she sang a song in medieval English. When she was awake, she couldn't remember anything. In another session, she was asked to remember the time when she heard the song for the first time. As a 13-year-old girl, she confessed to leafing through a book in her parents' library. Not only could she give the title of the book, but also exactly where the song can be found. It was the Finnish translation of the music history by Benjamin Britten and Imogen Holst. The work contains the canon "Sumer is icomen", the text of which was written in medieval English. In another life she was called Karin Bergstrom and died at the age of seven in an air raid in 1939. She gave the place and street where she was said to be living, and the names and jobs of her former parents. Investigations showed that that house was actually destroyed in an air raid in 1939, but the people mentioned did not live there. In a later hypnosis session, she was brought back to her childhood by reading a book that contained many pictures of bombed-out houses and descriptions of people's lives in the war. One of the photos showed a mother with her 7 year old child. Kampman came to the conclusion: "The experiences of the current personality are reflected in secondary personalities - this applies to realistic details as well as emotional experiences. The fact that a medieval song text appears to be firmly in the subconscious of a 13-year-old when browsing through a book aimlessly Anchoring a child is a prime example of how our brains can store even the tiniest of details without being aware of it at the level of consciousness, and such information can be exposed under hypnosis."

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